I'm a bad, bad blogger! I have so many pictures to upload.. they will be up soon! Until then, check out this video that Michael and the kids made me for my b-day! So cute!! They are the best!
Welcome to our family blog! We hope you enjoy our posts and pictures.. although we may not live close by, we still want you to share in our lives.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Ava's 4th Birthday
It's been a long time, but I am going to try to be better at updating our blog. (Sorry Mom!) Our little Ava turned 4 last month and we had a fun "Piggy Princess Ballerina Party." :)
We are so thankful for Ava and we can hardly believe she's already 4... life is moving way too fast.
Here's some pictures:)

We are so thankful for Ava and we can hardly believe she's already 4... life is moving way too fast.
Here's some pictures:)

Thursday, September 03, 2009
Summer 09
Since I've been horrible about uploading pictures to blogger lately and have been posting them mostly to facebook, I decided to make a slideshow rather than try to upload photos one by one... this way I could post a ton. So, this video is basically our summer in review in just 2 minutes :)
This summer we passed on a vacation, but instead, took a few trips to visit family and friends, and as we posted before, we went to Chicago back in June. We've had a fun, laid back summer. When we we weren't entertaining or traveling, we spent a lot of time in the backyard, went to the splash park, went to the zoo a few times, and just enjoyed being together.
I don't journal on paper, but very infrequently do on here, so I can print it for our kids someday to know how I'm thinking/feeling at this stage.... I'm about to journal some things I've been thinking about, and since It's mostly our moms and siblings that read this, they may be interested, but if you don't want to read my mooshy reflections on parenting, just watch the slideshow below :)
Lately I've had this overwhelming sense of reality in realizing how fast life is moving. As Farris Bueller so wisely put it, "Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and look around once and a while, you could miss it." :)
Ava is aproaching 4, and Jesse is now 20 months old. Even though I spend everyday, all day with them, I still find myself wishing I had them longer. Don't get me wrong, I look forward to their bedtimes, and getting out of the house for dates with Michael or alone time for myself... But I guess, I mostly wish time would slow down and they would be my babies for longer. The thought of kindergarten makes me weepy, and so I have been trying to remember to treasure this awesome time that I get to have these two little people all to myself everyday. It seems as if each day Jesse does something new or he gives me the cutest little grin from across the room. Each day Ava says something so witty (get's that from her dad!) or she discovers some new truth about life or God and I get to be the first one she tells it to. I've been storing these memories like snapshots in my mind.
But, reality is that our life is not perfect. We have our good days and our bad. Jesse just threw 3 tantrums at the doctor's office the other day and that is a memory I am hoping to forget :) Ava can sometimes talk so much and asks so many questions that my mind feels like mush at the end of a long day..haha.
In a couple of days Michael and I will have known each other for 10 years. Last night we were talking about when we first met and how we never could've dreamed how ten years later our life would be so different or how happy we would be together. Or how cute or kids would be (we are obviously biased!)
But one thing has stayed the same- when Michael and I were engaged over 7 years ago it was clear that we were similar in a lot of ways. We envisioned a simple life together, just hanging at the house with each other and our kids in the evenings. No huge homes or lavish vacations. Just us, together. That's the way we like it.
So here's our slideshow.. I know some may think the song is total cheesy-ness. But, I love this song and I love the words. Michael and I feel so blessed that God chose us for each other and chose to take it one step further and give us Ava and Jesse.
This summer we passed on a vacation, but instead, took a few trips to visit family and friends, and as we posted before, we went to Chicago back in June. We've had a fun, laid back summer. When we we weren't entertaining or traveling, we spent a lot of time in the backyard, went to the splash park, went to the zoo a few times, and just enjoyed being together.
I don't journal on paper, but very infrequently do on here, so I can print it for our kids someday to know how I'm thinking/feeling at this stage.... I'm about to journal some things I've been thinking about, and since It's mostly our moms and siblings that read this, they may be interested, but if you don't want to read my mooshy reflections on parenting, just watch the slideshow below :)
Lately I've had this overwhelming sense of reality in realizing how fast life is moving. As Farris Bueller so wisely put it, "Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and look around once and a while, you could miss it." :)
Ava is aproaching 4, and Jesse is now 20 months old. Even though I spend everyday, all day with them, I still find myself wishing I had them longer. Don't get me wrong, I look forward to their bedtimes, and getting out of the house for dates with Michael or alone time for myself... But I guess, I mostly wish time would slow down and they would be my babies for longer. The thought of kindergarten makes me weepy, and so I have been trying to remember to treasure this awesome time that I get to have these two little people all to myself everyday. It seems as if each day Jesse does something new or he gives me the cutest little grin from across the room. Each day Ava says something so witty (get's that from her dad!) or she discovers some new truth about life or God and I get to be the first one she tells it to. I've been storing these memories like snapshots in my mind.
But, reality is that our life is not perfect. We have our good days and our bad. Jesse just threw 3 tantrums at the doctor's office the other day and that is a memory I am hoping to forget :) Ava can sometimes talk so much and asks so many questions that my mind feels like mush at the end of a long day..haha.
In a couple of days Michael and I will have known each other for 10 years. Last night we were talking about when we first met and how we never could've dreamed how ten years later our life would be so different or how happy we would be together. Or how cute or kids would be (we are obviously biased!)
But one thing has stayed the same- when Michael and I were engaged over 7 years ago it was clear that we were similar in a lot of ways. We envisioned a simple life together, just hanging at the house with each other and our kids in the evenings. No huge homes or lavish vacations. Just us, together. That's the way we like it.
So here's our slideshow.. I know some may think the song is total cheesy-ness. But, I love this song and I love the words. Michael and I feel so blessed that God chose us for each other and chose to take it one step further and give us Ava and Jesse.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Ava's exciting news!
Ava has some awesome news to share (and no, we are not pregnant!)
We are so proud of her!
Singing the song was her idea (so sweet.) We are so thankful for her decision today and pray that she would follow Jesus the rest of her life.
We are so proud of her!
Singing the song was her idea (so sweet.) We are so thankful for her decision today and pray that she would follow Jesus the rest of her life.
Monday, June 29, 2009
We went to Chicago last weekend and it was super fun. We drove up to Amy and Jake's and hung out with them which was so fun and so nice of them to let us spend the night and take over their house. :) Then we headed to Chicago and packed as much into a short amount of time as we could :) We went to the Children's Museum and the kids loved it, walked all along Michigan Avenue, went to the American Girl Store (where Ava was allowed to buy the smallest doll purse I've ever seen- the store is so expensive!) Ava is still a little young to totally understand the American girl scene as she kept calling it, "the Barbie store." :)
We ate Gino's (our all time favorite deep dish- we are obsessed with that pizza, it's ridiculous!) We also met up with good friends from college, hung out at Millennium Park, played in fountains, went to the beach, walked, walked, walked....
Our hotel was awesome, right at corner of Michigan and by the river. It was great fun, yet a little challenging at times with 2 little kiddos, but all and all, they did really well. We made some wonderful memories :)
We ate Gino's (our all time favorite deep dish- we are obsessed with that pizza, it's ridiculous!) We also met up with good friends from college, hung out at Millennium Park, played in fountains, went to the beach, walked, walked, walked....
Our hotel was awesome, right at corner of Michigan and by the river. It was great fun, yet a little challenging at times with 2 little kiddos, but all and all, they did really well. We made some wonderful memories :)
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Ava and Jesse are doing great. Ava was sooo cute in her little recital. She stood up on stage and performed her whole routine. We were so proud of her!
Jesse is getting so big and he is doing so many "big boy" things, like going down the slide and jumping off the couch.. He's definitely all boy.
Scroll down for more pictures!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Ode to Michael (for no particular reason)
10 Reasons I love my Husband
* He is the most honest person I know. Seriously, he never lies. (well, maybe when he tells telemarketers that I'm not home or when he assures Ava that he will marry her when she grows up....but I don't think either of those count!)
*He spends all of his free time with me and kids. He spends 5:00-8:00 with us every night and always puts the kids to bed so I can have a break. He never asks to do anything for himself. He always thinks of me before himself. It's pretty amazing.
*When I was VERY pregnant with both of our kids, He always told me how pretty I was. And he actually meant it.
*He deals with all the money stuff because he knows it stresses me out sometimes. He does it all, so I don't have to. Oh, and he has never made me feel guilty for not contributing to finances for the last few years. He supports me as I stay home with our kids and wouldn't have it any other way.
*When I have a bad day, he hands me the keys and tells me to go out to Starbucks or to go shopping for as long as I want. Most of the time I run out for an hour and rush home because I miss him and I don't want to miss out on time that he's home from work.
*When we had only been dating for a few months, he told me that I was a lot like his mom. At the time, I laughed because I thought it was a weird thing for a guy to tell his new girlfriend... I soon realized that he meant it as a huge compliment. He loves his mom and dad and thinks very highly of them.
*If we are watching one of our favorite shows and the phone rings, He quickly answers it so I don't have to.
*He plays with Ava and lets her put headbands and necklaces on him....even if we have company over. :)
* He looks away from the tv when a Victoria's Secret commercial is on (he looks at me during the whole comercial until it's over and usually tells me how pretty I am)... Every-Single- Time! I have never once told him to do this or ever said anything about it. He has always done it! He's started to cover Jesse's eyes when we walk past the big VS billboards on the way to the play area at the mall. Haha!
*He's never once done anything to make me question his loyalty or commitment to me. I think that is a pretty big deal.
I could go on and on- these are just a few.
Michael-I can't believe that I turned you down about a hundred times before I finally dated you- What was I thinking? :) Thanks for taking a risk and holding my hand 8 years, 2 months, and 11 days ago. I'm really glad you did. I love you Michael.
* He is the most honest person I know. Seriously, he never lies. (well, maybe when he tells telemarketers that I'm not home or when he assures Ava that he will marry her when she grows up....but I don't think either of those count!)
*He spends all of his free time with me and kids. He spends 5:00-8:00 with us every night and always puts the kids to bed so I can have a break. He never asks to do anything for himself. He always thinks of me before himself. It's pretty amazing.
*When I was VERY pregnant with both of our kids, He always told me how pretty I was. And he actually meant it.
*He deals with all the money stuff because he knows it stresses me out sometimes. He does it all, so I don't have to. Oh, and he has never made me feel guilty for not contributing to finances for the last few years. He supports me as I stay home with our kids and wouldn't have it any other way.
*When I have a bad day, he hands me the keys and tells me to go out to Starbucks or to go shopping for as long as I want. Most of the time I run out for an hour and rush home because I miss him and I don't want to miss out on time that he's home from work.
*When we had only been dating for a few months, he told me that I was a lot like his mom. At the time, I laughed because I thought it was a weird thing for a guy to tell his new girlfriend... I soon realized that he meant it as a huge compliment. He loves his mom and dad and thinks very highly of them.
*If we are watching one of our favorite shows and the phone rings, He quickly answers it so I don't have to.
*He plays with Ava and lets her put headbands and necklaces on him....even if we have company over. :)
* He looks away from the tv when a Victoria's Secret commercial is on (he looks at me during the whole comercial until it's over and usually tells me how pretty I am)... Every-Single- Time! I have never once told him to do this or ever said anything about it. He has always done it! He's started to cover Jesse's eyes when we walk past the big VS billboards on the way to the play area at the mall. Haha!
*He's never once done anything to make me question his loyalty or commitment to me. I think that is a pretty big deal.
I could go on and on- these are just a few.
Michael-I can't believe that I turned you down about a hundred times before I finally dated you- What was I thinking? :) Thanks for taking a risk and holding my hand 8 years, 2 months, and 11 days ago. I'm really glad you did. I love you Michael.
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Jesse's 1 year old pictures (taken about 3 months too late!)
We finally took Jesse's 1 year pictures, which is great, but he's 15 months old now. These are our favorites..........

He's pretty stinkin cute! We are very bias, of course.
Jesse is now starting to say a few more words- his vocab includes: Nana (me), Dada, Ada (Ava), ball, dog, ruff ruff, all da (all done), bye, ha (hi), baba (bottle)
He's cuddly and very sweet.. He sits on my lap and kisses and hugs me which is a whole new experience this time around. . Ava was a busy body at this age and never wanted to sit on my lap. Unfortunately he is somewhat stubborn, starting to throw tantrums and hit too, so we are gearing up for this phase again. (sigh) Michael and I can't believe how much we've already forgotten already in the baby discipline department.
Thankfully he seems to balance his naughtiness with sweetness :) He really is an adorable little stinker! Even though it seems like he is becoming such a big boy, he is still a baby in so many ways. He still lets me rock him at night and he loves holding his sister's hand in the car- I know those things aren't going to last for much longer.
We love you buddy! You definitely keep us on our toes:) We can't imagine life without you!

He's pretty stinkin cute! We are very bias, of course.
Jesse is now starting to say a few more words- his vocab includes: Nana (me), Dada, Ada (Ava), ball, dog, ruff ruff, all da (all done), bye, ha (hi), baba (bottle)
He's cuddly and very sweet.. He sits on my lap and kisses and hugs me which is a whole new experience this time around. . Ava was a busy body at this age and never wanted to sit on my lap. Unfortunately he is somewhat stubborn, starting to throw tantrums and hit too, so we are gearing up for this phase again. (sigh) Michael and I can't believe how much we've already forgotten already in the baby discipline department.
Thankfully he seems to balance his naughtiness with sweetness :) He really is an adorable little stinker! Even though it seems like he is becoming such a big boy, he is still a baby in so many ways. He still lets me rock him at night and he loves holding his sister's hand in the car- I know those things aren't going to last for much longer.
We love you buddy! You definitely keep us on our toes:) We can't imagine life without you!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Sweet Ava
I wanted to share what my little Ava did one night last week, it was definitely one of the proudest moments of my life.
After the kids baths, we were all hanging out in Ava's room upstairs, when Jesse unexpectedly darted out of her room (the first time I have ever seen him run). He was running towards the steps, and to make a long story short- In the process of trying to catch him, I fell and cut my arm. (I did catch him, though, thankfully)
Afterward, I started crying, mostly from the trama of thinking Jesse was gonna fall down the steps (and maybe a little because it Really hurt!)
Ava was immediately worried and started wiping tears from my eyes saying, "your okay, don't cry mommy, you're okay." I assured her I was okay and went downstairs to get a bandage, leaving the kids with Michael.
About 60 seconds later Ava was at my side again, sympathizing for me, trying to help me with the band-aid, then she asked if there was anything she could do to help. (Very sweet and especially mature coming from a 3 year old!)
I told her that she could pray for my arm during her bed time prayers and that would be a big help.
Then, she placed her hand on my arm, and asked "can I pray for you right now mommy?"
Proudest. Moment. Ever
I watched my 3 year old close her eyes tightly, place her face in her hands, and pray for me. I smiled to myself when she said "thank you Jesus for my mom's boo-boo,"(she gets a little confused) And tried to hold back the tears when she very boldly prayed, "Jesus- please heal my mom!"
We've been praying for her since before she was born and have been teaching her about Jesus everyday, and recently we've been seeing her "get it." It is an amazing thing!
She is a typical 3 year old, that is for sure- fights with her brother, begs for candy, ect... But she can be so, so sweet and caring- We are so proud of her!
Friday, February 13, 2009
We're still here :)
I never realized how busy life could be with 2 little ones. Recently I have found myself staring at women who are out and about with 3, 4, 5 kids. How do they do it?? I feel like it is such a challenge to get my two kiddos dressed and fed and entertained everyday, and if we make it out of the house to run errands, library, dance class, ect 3- 4 times in a week, we are Really doing well!
I am so excited for spring and summer when we can ditch the bulky coats and boots- That stuff is definitely getting old! I find myself trying to think of creative "indoor" activities to do in the meantime.
Here are a few that went well: letting Ava give all her stuffed animals a bubble bath in the sink; setting up a puppet stage, buying new coloring books and tons of foam craft thingies at the dollar store and letting her create, throwing a bunch of pillows on the floor and letting the kids jump off "mountains"
Stuff that hasn't gone so well: letting Jesse try to play with playdough- big mistake; letting Ava pretend shaving cream was snow in a cake pan with plasitc toys- total disaster
One other thing that was a total success were these "pirate swords" that I found at the dollar store. Totally worth $2!! They have been lovin the pirate fights.

I am so excited for spring and summer when we can ditch the bulky coats and boots- That stuff is definitely getting old! I find myself trying to think of creative "indoor" activities to do in the meantime.
Here are a few that went well: letting Ava give all her stuffed animals a bubble bath in the sink; setting up a puppet stage, buying new coloring books and tons of foam craft thingies at the dollar store and letting her create, throwing a bunch of pillows on the floor and letting the kids jump off "mountains"
Stuff that hasn't gone so well: letting Jesse try to play with playdough- big mistake; letting Ava pretend shaving cream was snow in a cake pan with plasitc toys- total disaster
One other thing that was a total success were these "pirate swords" that I found at the dollar store. Totally worth $2!! They have been lovin the pirate fights.

Like father, Like son
We went to a pirate party last weekend and Michael dressed as a Napoleon Dynamite pirate- definitely a sight to see, Unfortunately we didn't get a picture of it.
Jesse decided to give the wig and glasses a try when we got home- A chip off the ol' block for sure :)

Jesse actually loves to wear funny glasses and hats. When Ava was a baby she despised "dress up." I would put something on her and hurry to snap the picture before she threw it off. Not this guy - he L-O-V-E-S it!!
Ava has finally decided to take advantage of her brother's willingness to dress up and use him as her own little beauty client. She has been putting barrettes & bows in his hair, and even princess crowns. She brushes his hair and sometimes calls him "Baby Cindy." I know this seems like sibling abuse, but he really seems to enjoy the fact that she is showing him attention. I can't help but laugh- it's hilarious. I don't think Michael thinks its as funny as I do :)

Poor guy- he's gonna hate this picture when he grows up! :)
Jesse decided to give the wig and glasses a try when we got home- A chip off the ol' block for sure :)

Jesse actually loves to wear funny glasses and hats. When Ava was a baby she despised "dress up." I would put something on her and hurry to snap the picture before she threw it off. Not this guy - he L-O-V-E-S it!!
Ava has finally decided to take advantage of her brother's willingness to dress up and use him as her own little beauty client. She has been putting barrettes & bows in his hair, and even princess crowns. She brushes his hair and sometimes calls him "Baby Cindy." I know this seems like sibling abuse, but he really seems to enjoy the fact that she is showing him attention. I can't help but laugh- it's hilarious. I don't think Michael thinks its as funny as I do :)

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