Friday, September 26, 2008

Ava's 3rd Birthday

She looks too grown up with her dress up heals on!

I had to document the injury :)

Michael, Jesse, and I kept our distance... those balls are hard!

Ava turned 3 on the 22nd! We had a small "piggy party" for her the day before at our house. (For those who don't know- Ava has a piggy stuffed animal that she considers her best friend. ) So, that is where the idea came from.
It was really fun and Ava enjoyed herself thoroughly. Unfortunately she took a nasty fall about 15 minutes into her party and got a big welt on her face. Poor girl...she was tough though. I think tons of attention, presents, and sugar helped her cheer up :)

The next day for her "real birthday" she was treated to donuts for breakfast and dinner of her choice....she chose hot dogs :) She decided that she wanted donuts and leftover cupcakes for her birthday desert. I think she had a lot of candy throughout the day, too, so she was super hyped on sugar. When your kid is wired already, what better place to take them than to Chuckee Cheese's :)
She had so much fun and really got into the games, which is always exciting for Michael. She was scaring me a little in Ski- ball when she was throwing the balls overhand. She also threw the basketball across the room instead of at the basket several times....I actually think that she was aiming for the hoop. Maybe she will have my stellar athletics skills?
I'm sure they are used to this at Chuckee Cheese's though... Can you imagine working there?

We ended the night by giving her a "Sit and spin" and she loved it.

I can't believe that our little girl is already three. I am so thankful for her and the joy that she has brought to our lives.

For more pictures:

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