We haven't posted in a while because Michael completely filled the computer's hard drive up so much so that we couldn't load anymore pictures on until he got rid of some stuff to open up some room. Thankfully everything is fine now.
It's been a pretty busy summer, but a fun one. We've enjoyed the weather, going to the pool as often as possible. Ava's been loving to play outside in the nice weather. We bought her a little plastic pool and a sandbox and she loves them!
Update on what we've been doing:
We went to Doylestown to visit my grandma while she was in-town, which was great. Ava got to spend time with cousins and enjoyed her great-grandma.
We also took a long weekend to Chicago which was lots and lots of fun. We went shopping on Michigan Ave, hit up IKEA, relaxed at the Lake Michigan beaches, and introduced Ava to her first slice of Chicago deep dish pizza. (She didn't like it as much as we did :) She was such a good girl the entire time and even seemed to enjoy the hustle and bustle of the city!
We went camping for the day with Michael's family in southern Indiana. Everyone had a lot of fun playing in the creek and hanging out. Going to the creek is one of Michael's all time favorite things to do.
In addition, both sets of our parents have been in town to visit, which has been really fun.
At this point I'm 16 weeks pregnant and I'm starting to remember all the weird feelings and tiredness that I felt with Ava. (Normal pregnancy stuff that you somehow forget in a short amount of time.) I'm not a huge fan of the pregnancy part.... I just like the part where you get the baby at the end... If only baby's were really delivered by stork...that would be great!
Our house is in "in contract" now to be sold, so we are hoping everything will go through fine and we will be closing at the end of August. If so, we will be closing on the home that we are hoping to buy on the same day...

I hope everyone else is having a fun summer, too! :)
Scroll down for lots more pictures of our summer :)