Sunday, May 21, 2006


This weekend I (Mary) got together with my college girlfriends in Indy. It was really fun! It's amazing how quickly we reconnected even after some of us hadn't seen each other in a while.
It was weird to be away from Michael and Ava... It was so strange to only take care of myself for a weekend. I didn't have to change diapers, make bottles, cook dinner, ect. I gotta admit, It was nice.
I had alot of fun with the girls, I'm so glad that we could finally all get had been way too long!
Although I enjoyed the break from responsibility, I really missed Michael and Ava. I have the best hubby ever to take care of the baby for a weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm the first poster on your blog. Yay!

Sooo glad we could get together this weekend. I missed you bunches! Love you!