Monday, April 30, 2007

Grandma and Grandpa visit

On Sunday, Michael's mom and dad came up for the day. It was a lot of fun. Ava loved the extra attention and enjoyed showing off her skills at the park. She even started saying Me-Maw and P-paw, when we say grandma and grandpa... so cute.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Funny Face

For the last 2 weeks Ava's been acting super crabby. I'm not sure if it had to do with immunizations or teething or something else. It seemed like she was a totally different kid. But recently she's been back to her happy self. Sometimes during the day we look in the mirror and make silly faces together... She loves it and she can really come up with some cute funny faces! Last night she even made her faces for the camera (which definitely surprised me.) So you can enjoy them, too.

My mom was here this past weekend which was fun. Ava enjoyed every minute of it! She loves company, and anyone who will give her attention. My mom helped a lot with Ava and babysat so we could go out on a date. We had fun hanging out together and going to dinner and a movie.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Nikos & Ava

Our friends Michael and Ally came to visit this weekend, and they brought their son, Nikos, for his first out of town experience. We were so glad that he did so well at our house! He is a cutie, as you can see. He and Ava are almost a year apart in age, but soon they won't even notice. Hopefully next year at this time they will be running around together, but for now, they just look at each other:) Ava and Nikos even gave each other a goodnight kiss as you can see from the picture! :)
Michael went to high school with Michael and Ally back in Cincinnati. We got married around the same time and have stayed close friends!

We had fun! Thanks for coming to visit us!