Wednesday, December 27, 2006

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More Christmas pictures... We went to visit Michael and Ally and got an adorable picture of their son, Nikos, with Ava. I think that they are going to be pals! And a few other holiday pictures.

Last week Debra (Michael's sister) came to visit us. We had a lot of fun hanging out with her! Ava loved having her young, cool auntie around!

Also we recently went to the big Iles Christmas with Michael's dad's side of the family. We got a picture of the Iles men with their babies while we were there. Ava enjoyed opening her presents:) We really enjoyed seeing everyone, they are a fun crowd!
We also went to visit Michael's Grandma Wickman' it was great to see her, too. We snapped a picture of Ava with her great-grandma.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Zoo Lights

We went to the zoo lights at the Columbus Zoo last week. Ava was very interested in the lights, which was neat for us to see. She even endured the cold weather... she's pretty tough. The holidays have been really exciting this year! It's so fun to watch her experience things for the first time.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Cinci and Oreos

We traveled to Cinci this past weekend for a baptism. Our good friends, Michael and Ally, celebrated the baptism of their son, Nikos. Michael's mom babysat Ava while we went to the party afterward, which was really nice. We got some really funny pictures of Michael and Michael, who are old friends. I posted one..its actually kind of scary :)
We had fun visiting with Michael's mom in the evening. We went downtown to see some fun Christmas displays, and Ava got to see her first fireworks...she liked them!

On a random note, last week we took some pictures after we gave Ava an Oreo and thought they were funny, so we are sharing them.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Daddy and Ava playing

We reloaded the video, hopefully it works this time!
Sorry about that.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Johnson Christmas

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This past weekend we celebrated an early Christmas with my (Mary's) side of the family. We all packed into my parents house and had lots of fun and ate way too much food. This was the earliest we've ever celebrated Christmas, but with everyone's schedules and limited vacation days, it seemed to work out the best to do it early.
Unfortunately Ava decided to scream during the night/early morning which made for a stressful situation having 4 kids and 2 other babies sleeping in the same house. On Saturday morning Michael and I slept in the car with her from 4:30-8am, so everyone could sleep. I'm sure someday we will look back on that time and laugh, but we definately weren't laughing at the time!
My parents had so the house looking so festive, and had tons of good food. All of the kids had fun playing with each other and the adults had fun catching up and hanging out. We all received and gave gifts, which was fun. The kids had a blast opening lots and lots of presents from their grandparents.

Santa even came to the house, which was really exciting. :) Ava was terrified of him and screamed when she sat on his lap. I think if she would've looked very closely, she may have noticed that he looked very familiar! Do you recognize this very young faced Santa?
It stinks that my family Christmas is already over, but we have a lot more celebrating to look forward to this month.

Johnson Christmas