We went to Cincinnati this past weekend. On Saturday Michael's mom and dad babysat Ava so we could go to Cumberland to see Debra cheer. Amy and Jake came into town, too, and rode with us. Debra did really well... I think Michael is still in denial that his baby sister is in college! You can see Debra in the pictures, she's the one up in the air.
The rest of the weekend we hung out with the family. Ava enjoyed getting a ton of attention from everyone.
Sunday night we went to Jen and Tim's wedding. (Jen is Michael's best friend from high school.) Their wedding was really beautiful, and they seemed really happy. Unfortunately we had to leave early to get back to Columbus. And..we totally forgot to bring our camera into the wedding, so we didn't get any pictures. Thankfully we got one of the 3 of us dressed up before we went.