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We went to Virginia Beach on vacation this week and we had so much fun! It was our first vacation with the baby and it was a success. Amazingly, Ava didn't cry at all on our 9 hour drive to VB, which was awesome. She was such a trooper; She enjoyed playing with toys, watching Veggie Tales on the portable DVD player, taking naps, ect.. We were so thankful because we were kinda worried about it.
The first day at the ocean was a little rough, we couldn't find a parking spot, when we finally did, Ava was screaming, she wouldn't take a nap, she hated the ocean and sand, not to mention a wave hit her and mommy in the face (that wasn't good.) But, after that experience we decided not to push the whole "playing in the sand" thing, and just let her play on a blanket on the sand and that went much better. We also reserved swimming for the hotel pool since the ocean seemed to induce more screaming.
After we learned those lessons the hard way, we then enjoyed walking on the boardwalk, swimming in the pool, watching the waves, and just relaxing...It was really good family time. The car ride home wasn't as good, it took us 11 hours due to traffic, but Ava still only cried once (which is't bad!)
It was really fun but we are glad to be back.
We got some good pictures, enjoy!