Friday, February 13, 2009

We're still here :)

I never realized how busy life could be with 2 little ones. Recently I have found myself staring at women who are out and about with 3, 4, 5 kids. How do they do it?? I feel like it is such a challenge to get my two kiddos dressed and fed and entertained everyday, and if we make it out of the house to run errands, library, dance class, ect 3- 4 times in a week, we are Really doing well!

I am so excited for spring and summer when we can ditch the bulky coats and boots- That stuff is definitely getting old! I find myself trying to think of creative "indoor" activities to do in the meantime.
Here are a few that went well: letting Ava give all her stuffed animals a bubble bath in the sink; setting up a puppet stage, buying new coloring books and tons of foam craft thingies at the dollar store and letting her create, throwing a bunch of pillows on the floor and letting the kids jump off "mountains"
Stuff that hasn't gone so well: letting Jesse try to play with playdough- big mistake; letting Ava pretend shaving cream was snow in a cake pan with plasitc toys- total disaster

One other thing that was a total success were these "pirate swords" that I found at the dollar store. Totally worth $2!! They have been lovin the pirate fights.

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